MVR Safety
The rigorous incorporation of best-in-class safety features into our evaporator design is one of ENCON's highest priorities. Our systems are designed to ensure that operators and maintenance personnel can work on and around the MVR Evaporator in an efficient and safe manner.
Key Features
Electrical LOTO local on skid
- Pneumatic system depressurizes and is lockable
- Lockable low point drains for complete removal of fluids from process piping
- Components located within easy operator reach to minimize requirement of ladders and fall protection
- Work platforms with OSHA compliant railings and ladders for easy operator access to all components
- LOTO instructions included with equipment manual
- All vessels designed to ASME section VIII pressure vessel code
- Mechanical over pressurization relief devices
- E-stops located at all operator workstations/areas
- Failure position of each device scrutinized to ensure failed position is safe position