Is My Waste Water Appropriate for Evaporation?

Is My Wastewater Appropriate for Evaporation?

Are you trying to determine the best waste water solution for your company but don't know if the evaporation process will apply? If your waste stream is substantially water (70-99%), it is likely to be an excellent application for ENCON wastewater evaporators.


Don’t worry, as part of the ENCON comprehensive qualifying process, we will evaluate your wastewater and qualify a representative sample of your waste stream. This is accomplished by:

  1. Receiving a ½ gallon sample of your waste water
  2. Receiving MSDS sheets for constituents in your waste stream
  3. Receiving any available lab analyses

Our evaluation team will offer their best recommendations for a solution to your company’s wastewater management process.

To begin the application review process, please either complete the Online Questionnaire or contact us directly. We look forward to working with you to provide a cost-effective evaporation system that will eliminate your wastewater problem.