When to Consider Wastewater Evaporation
Evaporation has proven to be an excellent solution for wastewater disposal and discharge problems. Evaporation with an ENCON wastewater evaporator may be an excellent solution to consider if your company is experiencing any of the following issues:
If you are paying for wastewater disposal... Using an ENCON evaporator will dramatically reduce your disposal volume and cost.
If you are having difficulty meeting permissible discharge limits to your sewer facility or are frustrated by the expense of accountability to the sewer facility... Using an ENCON evaporator provides a method for eliminating your discharge effluent.
If you are in a rural location and do not have a sewer to discharge to... An ENCON evaporator provides an affordable method for handling your wastewater discharge problem.
If you are experiencing water shortages or high city water costs... ENCON MVC evaporators are an excellent low energy cost solution for closed loop wastewater recycling.